At Grace Church on the- Hill Childcare Centre, we work to ensure that all children receive an education that prepares them for all aspects of life. We understand that a well-balanced curriculum goes well beyond teaching children basic literacy and numeracy skills. We believe incorporating enrichment activities is necessary for the whole child's development.
Our enrichment programs are offered weekly or biweekly, as outlined on your child's monthly program plan.
Cooking as Science: Cooking covers all aspects of an experiment, from making predictions and observing to investigating and drawing conclusions. It opens the child to the physical manifestation of changes in matter, temperature changes, and combining different products to make something new.
Sport Ball: Every Sport ball program promotes healthy minds and bodies. Each program is geared to the specific learning needs of children in order to be as effective as possible. Sport Ball offers a variety of multi sports activities.
Music and Movement: Music stimulates all aspects of child development. Our music enrichment program allows youngsters to sing and dance to the rhythm and beat of our music teacher. The music teacher provides an exciting program that encourages students to express themselves artistically and freely. Music classes are usually highly anticipated by all children.
French: Learning French is made enjoyable and approachable through our interactive French program. Children get the opportunity to engage in songs, poems, puppet stories and more to help them set a foundation in French.